This week in Woodlands
The Woodlanders have been challenged this week to try some new experiences.
They made the most of the sunny weather on Wednesday and competed against each other in some tug of war games. They had to use all their strength and determination to tug at their respective ends of the big, thick rope to find out which team was the strongest in each round. You need to check out Tapestry if you haven’t seen the results yet! The teachers really enjoyed the game too, by the looks of things!
Both classes also learnt how to make their own fruit kebabs using long wooden skewers and chunks of fruit. Holding a long skewer and threading fruit onto it, is harder than it looks when you have little fingers! But the effort was worth it when they were allowed to devour the kebabs for snack.
We all know it is good to move outside our comfort zones sometimes and we think the Woodlanders were delighted to discover that they were able to pull and thread with such exciting results.
Next week we have another new experience lined up for them; They will be learning how to hatch duck eggs and handle and care for the ducklings. Be sure to read next week’s newsletter!
Have a lovely weekend!
Shirley Hayman