This week in Woodlands
Dear Woodlands Families
First week back and we’re off!
The Woodlanders wasted no time in getting back to play and work. Green Class are enjoying being pop-stars and creating their stage, show tickets and a tour bus.
Orange Class are exploring what they might like to be when they grow up. Teachers, artists and astronauts have been suggested so far.
The N2’s are exploring subtraction whilst the N1’s are learning about capacity by making cold coffee! They sadly weren’t willing to make a double shot decaf macchiato with oat milk though!
We have also been trying to see how many ways we can divide 10 by.
So all in all, a fun, busy, active and stimulating week in Woodlands, just as we like it. You can see some lovely photos below:
Please can we remind you to check your Tapestry accounts as there is lots of information on there for the coming term.
Wishing you super, sunny weekends!
Best wishes
Shirley Hayman
Head of Woodlands Nursery