Message from Mrs McIntosh
‘And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it!’
Roald Dahl
On Monday morning, the Junior Department children had little choice BUT to believe in magic as we were treated to a card trick from Mr. Pritchard, our new Headmaster, from September. Having first answered lots of questions about himself and the job of being a Headteacher, he then went on to show us that he was true to his word about one of his hobbies. Apparently, he has been fascinated by magic since about the age of 5 and started learning tricks soon after that. It was wonderful to see the children’s reactions as the card that Wilbur had chosen magically ‘appeared’ back in the box when he had seemingly returned it to the pack right in front of our eyes!
I often think teaching is like magic – the children appear to be one thing but then turn out to be something completely different, or they start in one place and end up somewhere else. Much like the master magician, who uses little things like the sleight of hand, some distraction or a change of focus, teachers use a range of strategies and techniques to bring out the best in each and every child and ensure that they do make those huge steps in their learning even when it seems impossible! This is what makes them superheroes in my eyes, and I never tire of watching them work their magic!
All of our year groups have started a new topic this half term: Reception have turned into superheroes; Year 1 have journeyed to the seaside and Year 2 have zoomed into space! There is a lot of excitement around the corridors and classrooms, and whilst I know this will continue in the learning next week we will also be looking forward to Sports Day on Friday.
I wanted to let you know that the format of our Sports Day has changed this year. There is a bigger emphasis on active participation and engagement rather than just sitting and watching races. The children and their supporters (you!) will move around to a variety of ‘field’ events, which showcase what the children have been learning this year, followed by our more traditional races. This means that if you have children in more than one year group you might not get to see everything they do but you will be able to see both or all of them in a few events each. The way we recognise and reward the children has changed somewhat too. There will be some prizes for the winners of races but there will also be prizes recognising children who have displayed Beechwood values in the way they conduct themselves.
It promises to be an exciting morning and I look forward to welcoming you for tea, coffee and pastries after drop-off, before the main event.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs McIntosh